12. January (cont'd)
Having arrived early enough on a Sunday, we were anxious to strecth our legs and explore this alluring city. It was our luck that the artistic neighborhood of San Telmo was indulging the city with its Sunday market: a devinely rich mixture of Tango performances, street artists, excited tourists, antique treasures, bohemian writers and sidewalk cafes. I could have stayed a year, in this very spot.
13 - 17. August
Escuela de Espanol
School started the this morning and Patrick's exquisite planning meant that we had about half a block to walk in order to get to our classroom. We arrived and Patrick's beginner status meant that he was spared from taking a placement test, while I had to humilate myself with verb conjugation. I was feeling so proud of my communication skills...who needs the past or future tense: aren't we supposed to be learning how to live in the present!
I was placed in an advanced beginner class and so the story goes. 9 am to 1 pm, Monday through Friday, with homework and everything. I was blown away by Patrick's progress and the amount of information he retained after only 5 days. My learning was slower but more intense and certainly inspired me to keep practicing.
Our afternoons were open to explore the sights and sounds of Buenos Aires. We walked the steps of Evita, including viewing the famous balcony at the Casa Rosada, a visit to the museum of her namesake and then a moment of silence at her memorial in the Recoleta Cemetary. We also visited the colorful bohemian neighborhood of La Boca.